Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September 9, 2014

Tell me about the global issue you selected. What do you already know about the issue? What are you looking forward to learning about it? Explain.

       The topic that I selected was gay rights on a global scale. This is an issue that is very important to me because I have been passionate about politics all through high school, and more specifically learning about how gay rights are handled. I already know a lot about the oppression and severity of the social issue here in the United States, but I hope to learn a lot more about it on other continents and in specific countries. I know currently that gay marriage is only legal in a few states, and that there has been an ongoing struggle to make gay rights be seen as human rights. However, I also know that there have been rallies, growing social reforms, and many support groups for the LGBT community specifically in the United States. What I would like to learn is about the communities in far off countries and how that oppression compares to what we experience here. I want to learn the motivation that lies behind persecution against gay people, and uncover what countries are going to be doing to deal with this in the future. I think this is an issue that is political, religious, and constitutional and I would really like to understand more about how the world is going to adjust and respond to its presence.

Gay Rights Button

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