Thursday, December 18, 2014
Final Project
For my final project I interviewed my grandmother on my father's side (transcript 1) and my mother (transcript 2). I also sent my aunt an email and she gave me some valuable information over the phone in response. I learned a lot about family names through my family echo and other research sites to help me understand things of historical significance within my family. My infographic talks about our origins along with my prezi. In my prezi the focus was primarily on my mother's side where as in my infographic it focuses more heavily on my father's side. I learned a lot about myself and now hopefully you will too!
Transcript #1
Transcript #2
Family Echo
Monday, November 24, 2014
November 23, 2014
What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Do you have any traditions? Go in to detail about your plans for the 5 day weekend.
This thanksgiving will probably be like every other thanksgiving I have ever had in my life! Each year I go to my grandma's on my mom's side where we enjoy a meal consisting of ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, deserts, casseroles, and more! I get to see my cousins and all of their adorable pets! This Saturday I also have plans to go to a thanksgiving hosted by Derek's family. We will also be celebrating his birthday and just hanging out with his family which is always really exciting. There is a chance I may go black Friday shopping with my sister once she gets off work at target. My grandma on my dad's side recently sent me money and I would really like to get some of my Christmas shopping out of the way! I think I will start with gifts for my family and then my friends. I also plan to get lots of rest and catch up on all of my studying! I wish that thanksgiving break was a full week, but five days still gives me a lot of time to get back on top of my game. I will be preparing for my upcoming debate tournament on December 5th and 6th this Sunday as well. However, more than anything I am just excited to be surrounded by the people that I love and care about.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014
November 19, 2014
Reflecting on the comments and grade of your stop-motion animation... what you would do differently if you had to do it all over again? Would you manage your time better? Find better lighting for your photos? Come up with a better idea? Explain what you would change about your video.
There are several things I wish I had done differently with my stop-motion animation, but I am satisfied with my grade nonetheless. If I had to do it all over again I would make sure that I had a podcast and a quality digital camera. I would make sure that I was completely out of the frame so that my shadow would not play a major role or disrupt/throw off the lighting. Furthermore, I would try to find a steadier surface so that the thing I was using to prop up my picture taking device would not be at all visible. I think I would also try something with food that told a story by creating pictures like some of my classmates did! For example, many used skittles and m&m's o create stories; I think that would be cool.

Monday, November 17, 2014
November 17, 2014
Tell me about your weekend.
This weekend was alright. I had debate at Shawnee Mission East and took fourth place overall. It wasn't my best, but I'm happy to at least have received and got another DCI bid. I officially have four of them, so that's kind of exciting.At any rate, I also had a lot of fun after debate. I hung out with my friends Emily, Ricky, Chiranth, and Luke. We had a lot of fun just hanging out and eating some taco bell! Then on Saturday I got a chance to see Derek, which is always pretty fun. I'm really looking forward to this next weekend though because I get to see my grandma from Illinois who I hardly ever see.
Friday, November 14, 2014
November 14, 2014
Tell me about your experience with taking your stop-motion photos. What problems did you run in to? What did you find difficult about the process? What would you go back and change about HOW you took the photos? Explain yourself.
My experience with stop-motion photos was an interesting one to say the least. I had a few problems, but overall this experience has been pretty rewarding so far. The problems I ran into include bad lighting, accidentally moving my objects, and a few other things of that nature. I found it really difficult to find a way to steady the camera that I was using on my iPad, but eventually I figured it out by stacking it on top of several shoe boxes. I would definitely change this by borrowing a tripod for a longer period of time if I ever do this again in the future. I would also try to do something with small toys or figures to make them seem like they are moving, rather than just using a sandwich. However, I felt overall that this project was a success.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014
November 11, 2014
What is your idea for your stop motion animation? How is your idea innovative and creative? How are you going to execute your idea?
I have not officially decided on what I will be doing for my stop motion animation, but I do have a few ideas. I think it would be interesting to create something with clay like you see very often on TV. Perhaps I could also make a sandwich and have each motion/ingredient be a different frame within the animation. One last idea that I have is involving my dog, like maybe walking him or playing with him. All of these ideas are innovative and creative because they have clear story lines and involve very interesting subjects. I think that these will be different from my classmates and hopefully unique from anything that they have seen before. I plan to execute this project at my house with the help of my dog!
I have not officially decided on what I will be doing for my stop motion animation, but I do have a few ideas. I think it would be interesting to create something with clay like you see very often on TV. Perhaps I could also make a sandwich and have each motion/ingredient be a different frame within the animation. One last idea that I have is involving my dog, like maybe walking him or playing with him. All of these ideas are innovative and creative because they have clear story lines and involve very interesting subjects. I think that these will be different from my classmates and hopefully unique from anything that they have seen before. I plan to execute this project at my house with the help of my dog!
Monday, November 10, 2014
November 10, 2014
What is stop motion animation? If you don't know, look it up! Explain
Stop motion animation is a series of frames of an object that make it appear as though it is moving. Typically the person does not have the image in their hands or appear within their own stop motion animation. Several subjects that are frequently used are clay, utensils, and food items. It is different from animation because it involves real physical objects rather than drawings that are sketched and manipulated through animation on the computer. It is often seen as a more difficult and lengthy process, but the results are very cool.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
November 5, 2014
Tell me about your idea for your 5 frame story board. What is the plot? How do you plan to make the story creative? Who's the main character? What is the beginning, middle and end? Tell me about your plan of attack.
My idea is to set up a scene that involves Maddie Newell and Whitney Sherraden. I'm going to set up the plot so that Maddie has an airhead and Whitney steals it from her. Then Maddie will be really angry with Whitney, but Whitney will just be laughing really hard. That is the sequence of the stories and events that I'm going to split up into five steps. I plan to make this creative by editing my pictures and having two main characters and a definite conflict. I have talked to both Maddie and Whitney and we are going to be taking the pictures after I finish this post. The best part is that I actually get to eat the airhead!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014
November 4, 2014
Yesterday you edited and uploaded photos to your blog. Tell me more about your photos. HOW did you edit them? Why did you choose the photos that you did? Explain your assignment.
My photos had a diverse range of subjects and were a lot of fun to take; however, when it came to editing them and making them seem professional I felt some what inexperienced. I used Photoshop and played around a lot with the saturation. I liked to also mess with the brightness because I felt it really made the colors stand out and pop. I chose the photos that I did because I felt that they all had intense pops of colors that drew the eye to them and made the viewer feel excited. I really enjoyed the scavenger hunt assignment because it felt like the most creative thing we have done in class up to this point, and I really got to put my own spin on these images. In terms of editing I think I still have a lot to learn, but I did enjoy trying to garner some of the basic skills!
Monday, November 3, 2014
November 3, 2014
How was your weekend?
My weekend was really fun. Halloween has always been in my top three favorite holidays along with Christmas Eve, and thanksgiving. For Halloween I went dressed up as spider-girl; I had a spiderweb bow, a spider-man shirt, and a tutu that i made by myself. I learned to make the tutu from a tutorial on YouTube. On the night of Halloween I went to a football game at Liberty North that was costume themed and then I spent time at Derek's aunt's house! The next day I saw two movies: Nightcrawler and St. Vincent. Nightcrawler was really suspenseful and good, while St. Vincent was Hilarious and heartfelt. On Sunday I spent time with my best friend just watching movies and talking. All in all, I had a pretty great weekend.
My weekend was really fun. Halloween has always been in my top three favorite holidays along with Christmas Eve, and thanksgiving. For Halloween I went dressed up as spider-girl; I had a spiderweb bow, a spider-man shirt, and a tutu that i made by myself. I learned to make the tutu from a tutorial on YouTube. On the night of Halloween I went to a football game at Liberty North that was costume themed and then I spent time at Derek's aunt's house! The next day I saw two movies: Nightcrawler and St. Vincent. Nightcrawler was really suspenseful and good, while St. Vincent was Hilarious and heartfelt. On Sunday I spent time with my best friend just watching movies and talking. All in all, I had a pretty great weekend.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
October 29, 2014
What do you know about photography and/or photo editing? Do you take photos? How do you take photos? Do you edit photos before posting them on social media? How do you edit them? Explain any background or knowledge you have about photography and photo editing. Do you like it? Do you have any interest?
I don't honestly know a lot about photography or photo editing! My sister once took a photography class and I was her model, but in terms of operating and editing the photos I am not very advanced. Typically when I take a photo it is on my iPhone. I usually edit my pictures or put a filter on them on instagram to make them look better. I think that photography is really interesting, but have never had a real opportunity to get involved with it. I think using a nice camera would be really fun and there are several things/people I would be interested in getting pictures of. In terms of editing I am not at all advanced with the software. I have an app called aviary on my phone to fix lighting, but other than that I usually just put on an instagram or twitter photo filter and call it good. I would love to learn more about this though!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
October 20, 2014
Tell me about your weekend. Share pics!
My weekend was somewhat uneventful at first! I had a debate tournament on Friday night and Saturday morning. I placed ninth in the tournament and got the 6th speaker award. Sunday was when things got really fun. I saw my best friend after not seeing him for about 4 months! I went to Chili's with him and then we walked around target. Chili's was the best part because it is my favorite restaurant. I ordered the chicken fingers and we got desert. He got a giant chocolate chip cookie and I got a molten chocolate cake. Then at target we laughed and tried on clothes. I am seeing him again this Saturday and really can't wait. I'll tell you all about it next Monday. :)
My weekend was somewhat uneventful at first! I had a debate tournament on Friday night and Saturday morning. I placed ninth in the tournament and got the 6th speaker award. Sunday was when things got really fun. I saw my best friend after not seeing him for about 4 months! I went to Chili's with him and then we walked around target. Chili's was the best part because it is my favorite restaurant. I ordered the chicken fingers and we got desert. He got a giant chocolate chip cookie and I got a molten chocolate cake. Then at target we laughed and tried on clothes. I am seeing him again this Saturday and really can't wait. I'll tell you all about it next Monday. :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2014
October 14, 2014
Below is a letter written to the editor who wrote the article 'Enforcement of dress code creates negative effect' that your blogged about last week. Most of you wrote on your blog that you agreed with the writer. What are your thoughts after reading the letter below and seeing a different perspective. Are they the same? Are the different? Do you agree? Disagree? Explain yourself.
I think that seeing this perspective is really important and to a large extent has in fact opened my eyes. The most compelling argument that this letter makes is the fact that in the real world our employers will be holding us to a much higher standards of dress; there is a time and place for every attire. This new perspective should have been accounted for in the original article, definitely, but I do think the original author still has some reasoning. Perhaps the school board could make the reasoning behind the dress code more apparent and never simply call it a precaution to avoid "distracting the male students." I think that they way this letter frames the issue is extremely compelling because the author admits that she too dresses differently outside of school and sees some of the rules as unfair; however, she abides by them because she is a professional.As someone who strives to be a professional one day I definitely agree with this new perspective.

October 13, 2014
The perfect curriculum for the rest of my life would be learning about how my relationships with other people work. Maybe it would be similar to psychology, but it would be more interesting and hands on because it applies uniquely to the people in my life. The title of my courses would be the different people in my life. I would spend the class period just understanding how their brains and hearts work and how I can improve my relationships with them. I would study by applying what I learn when I see the people on a daily basis! These would be really different because the things I learned would always have a use for me!
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
October 7, 2014
The following article was in the September issue of The Tiger Print. Read the article (even if you already have) and respond to it below. What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Consider all perspectives of the article while you respond.
I think that this article is one of the truest things that I have ever read. I think that dress codes, while they have some merit, are being enforced extremely illogical in the current public schooling system. The way that this is framed is to where the girls must compromise the way that they dress for the sake of the boy's being able to focus. I agree pretty much wholeheartedly. I think that we need to have a dress code, but I think that this should be equally enforced for both genders. I don't think that we should simply run free, but rather that we should be held to similar standards that males are. Now, I recognize that there are different parts to focus on for each gender, obviously. However, I think that an equal number of restrictions would make the school place a lot less sexist and would make everyone a lot more comfortable. All in all, I agree with the thesis of the article: dress codes are being enforced in a sexist manner. However, I still think dress codes should exist to some extent. It reminds us that school is a formal place where learning needs to happen for everyone, not just one specific gender.

Monday, October 6, 2014
October 6, 2014
Tell me about your weekend! If you don't have anything fun to share, tell me about the city you live in. What do you love about Kansas City? Do you have a favorite place in the city? Favorite team? :) Favorite event? Explain.
My weekend was pretty great all around. I had a debate tournament up at Olathe North West. My partner and I took fourth place and got a DCI bid. A DCI bid is something you earn for being in the top sixteen. You need two of them to qualify for the Debate Coaches invitational. However, the real highlight of my weekend was yesterday. I got to hang out with Derek and watch the royals crush the Angels! Caine was on fire with those catches. Watching the Royals win makes me proud to be a part of this community. I also laughed very hard when Billy Butler scored and stole second base. Now we know nothing is impossible. All in all, this weekend was one to remember.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014
September 30, 2014
What is an infographic? If you don't know, go look it up. Read about it and then in your own words tell me what an infographic is. What do infographics do? How do they work? What makes a really good infographic?
An infographic is a unique way of displaying information that is visually dynamic and appealing. It can be a chart, graph, or any other way of organizing and showing data or research. Infographics provide researchers with information and can be integral parts of projects. They work by putting different pieces of information in one visual display so it is easy to see and compare all of the information.A really good infographic is not only informative, but also very visually appealing and eye catching.

Monday, September 29, 2014
September 29, 2014
Tell me about your Homecoming weekend! If you didn't participate in the Homecoming festivities, what did you do? Share pics!
My homecoming weekend was really fun! I went up to Liberty (where I used to live) and was accompanied by my boyfriend, Derek Rogers. We went with our friends Tori and Regan. They aren't dating, but we all think it would be really cute if they did. We ate at Trazo Mare, and I had fettuccine Alfredo for the fourth year in a row!! In order to kill time we hung out at a pet store and then went to the dance. We danced a lot, but they only played one slow song. It was "all of me" by John Legend! After we went over to Derek's and watched movies and played ping pong until 3 am. I ended the night by staying over at my best friend Makenna's! It was an amazing night that I will always remember.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
September 24, 2014
Imagine Mr. Bacon has asked you to suggest one way of improving Blue Valley High School to make it a better place for students. Think about the changes that are needed at your school. Pick one change you feel would really make a difference and explain what it is and why you'd make the change.
If Mr. Bacon came to me, my suggestion would definitely be equal representation for every activity at school. I think all too often the major recognition are given to sports, and more specifically football. There is a lot of merit in saying that we mention everyone at assemblies, but I know personally that debate has never gotten a spirit tunnel.The same goes for music performances, journalism, yearbook, etc. I think that this would make all clubs a lot more excited for these assemblies and feel like expressing school spirit. I would make this change because I think it is important that everyone feels welcomed and well represented within their school, it gives them a bigger incentive to learn and participate. I also think this would open the eyes of a lot of our students to clubs that exist and show them that they are also important.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014
September 23, 2014
What are your favorite apps on your phone or tablet? Why?
My favorite apps on my phone are spotify, twitter, instagram, and Netflix. I like them each for a different reason, but they all relate to being somewhat social. First, I really like spotify because it has all of my favorite music on it and I am able to listen to my playlists at anytime. Plus it is free! My boyfriend, Derek, showed me the app and I've been hooked ever since. I also get to follow his playlists on there so it shows me what kind of music he likes as well, which is awesome!Next, I will just go ahead and group instagram and twitter together. These are the two main social media websites that I use and they keep me up to date in several ways. I like the hilarious tweets people post on twitter, and their adorable photos on instagram! Finally, I think Netflix kind of explains itself. It's always there for me, has a seemingly infinite amount of entertainment, etc. My all time favorite show ever was one I discovered on Netflix: Gossip Girl. Ever since that day I have been absolutely addicted to that app.
Monday, September 22, 2014
September 22, 2014
What is email? When do you use email in your own personal life? List reasons and ways that people use email. What do you know about "email etiquette"?
Email is an electronic way of sending messages, letters, or other important mail related things to people via the internet. It involves a specific website, an email address, and many other components similar to the actual mailing system. It differs because it is technologically based and nothing is physically delivered; it is all electronic.I use email in my personal life mostly in the context of school and educational activities. It helps me stay up to date with what my teachers what me to know, when certain things are taking place, and catching up when I miss an activity or a day at school. There are a lot of reasons that people use email. They use it for personal, educational, and business reasons.My mom uses it for work, while my grandma uses it to stay in touch with our family. My younger brother uses it primarily for education. It is a friendly technology for all ages. I know that email etiquette consists of greetings, closings, and well phrased body paragraphs. You have to be polite and clear in your emails to get your point across.
Email is an electronic way of sending messages, letters, or other important mail related things to people via the internet. It involves a specific website, an email address, and many other components similar to the actual mailing system. It differs because it is technologically based and nothing is physically delivered; it is all electronic.I use email in my personal life mostly in the context of school and educational activities. It helps me stay up to date with what my teachers what me to know, when certain things are taking place, and catching up when I miss an activity or a day at school. There are a lot of reasons that people use email. They use it for personal, educational, and business reasons.My mom uses it for work, while my grandma uses it to stay in touch with our family. My younger brother uses it primarily for education. It is a friendly technology for all ages. I know that email etiquette consists of greetings, closings, and well phrased body paragraphs. You have to be polite and clear in your emails to get your point across.

September 19, 2014
Now that you've been in Emerging Technology for several weeks... what do you think? Do you think the web tools (Drive, Evernote, Bubbl, etc.) are helpful to you? Do you think they will be helpful throughout high school or even college? Explain.
I really like emerging tech so far. I think that everything we are doing is building skills for my future, and I really appreciate that. The various web tools, research methods, and topics we have discovered have all played a role in what I am expecting throughout my senior year and in the years in college. Specifically the web tools will make research papers much easier and help me have a background so I never feel lost on technology based assignments. I think my professors will find me more organized since I will know how to lose these tools, and I will not get left behind.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014
September 17, 2014
Do you enjoy writing? When do you enjoy it? What kind of writing do you enjoy? Why do you think the ability to write is so important no matter what kind of writing it is? Give an example that you enjoyed writing or hated writing. Why?
I actually really do enjoy writing, but mostly when it is my choice. I don't want to have to worry about the grade or the writing being perfect; I prefer writing about what I care about and expressing my feelings without fear of expressing them wrong. With that being said, I don't despise writing for class. I definitely see why it's necessary; plugging in answers and checking boxes can only show so much about what we know. Writing is the only way to show analysis and see if we actually do have an in depth understanding of the content. The type of writing that I actually enjoy, though, is when I am doing it for myself, rather than for school. I remember an example of writing that I really enjoyed from seventh grade. We were giving the prompt: Write a horror story. We had two weeks to draft, edit, and perfect our work. I loved the freedom that this prompt gave for me to be creative and pull people in with my emotions and story. I got a 100% on the paper, but that's not why I loved this specific experience. I loved this experience because it was the first time I ever WANTED to write something. I went home so excited to whip out the paper, and honestly felt sad when it was all over. It was the first time I felt passionate about it.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
September 16, 2014
Reflect on this quote. Give an example of a time in your life that this might have been the case.

I think that this quote is extremely true, especially since I am a high schooler who procrastinates literally all the time. I think that when you fail to prepare and then ultimately fail, you honestly have no one to blame but yourself. Whether it is in school, work, or your home life, this quote reminds you that you have responsibility place in your hands and you need to meet the requirements of your daily life. My mind is drawn to a specific example in my life when I read this quote. I remember back in seventh grade after reading the novel, "The Giver", which I mentioned in a previous blog post, we were assigned a project: Creating our own Utopian Society. We had to actually write a story and then construct the model as well, but the story was the larger part of our grade. I had a ton of ideas for my model: Egg shells for the domes, technology plastered all around, and my dad was even going to help me add Christmas lights to the side to make it look more advanced. However, the ideas in the story department were definitely lacking. Needless to say, the night before the project was due I was eyeing my perfectly constructed Utopian society when it dawned on me that I had done literally nothing in terms of the paper due first hour the next day. I had not written a single draft. Nothing. I panicked of course, put together an extremely sloppy paper, and the next morning turned it in with bags under my eyes from sleep deprivation. Unfortunately, my lack of sleep wasn't worth it. Due to not preparing I turned in a paper that was less than satisfactory, got a B- on the project overall. It may not seem a big deal, but that model was A quality, but my lack of preparation set me back.
Monday, September 15, 2014
September 15, 2014
What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!
This weekend I took the ACT and spent a lot of time with my boyfriend, Derek! The ACT went alright except for one minor detail: during the math section my calculator died!!! Fortunately, it is possible to do all of the problems without a calculator, but it took a whole lot longer. I was really stressed because I wanted to raise my score, but luckily for me my mom isn't mad and my score is good enough to get me into the colleges that I am applying to. The real fun this weekend was spent with Derek! On Friday he took me to IHOP where we ordered our favorite meal. We then hung out, studied, and laughed a ton. I saw him again on Sunday when I went out to eat with his family and saw The Giver (a movie in theaters right now). Despite being disappointed by the movie, Sunday was one of the best days I have had in quite some time. I live about 45 minutes away from Derek since we were seeing each other freshman year before I moved. I always love when I get to see him on the weekends because I really miss him during the school week and when we are apart! We make it work though!

Friday, September 12, 2014
September 12, 2014
What is the importance of research? Why do you need to know how to research? What have you learned in high school about researching topics and finding quality resources? Have you had a helpful teacher that has taught you to research? Explain.
Research is extremely important because it is the first stepping stone on the path to learning, and learning is the reason hat we put forth any effort in life. Researching gives us information from multiple perspectives on a singular issue, and that allows us to have more developed projects and opinions. It is important to know how to research so that you can have a higher quality of information, rather than just focusing on quantity of sources. Knowing how to research can make or break the standard of information that is in your project. I have learned a lot in high school about researching and carefully approaching and paying attention to the bias of sources. I've been taught to ask specific questions and look in specific, scholarly places for the answers. I have had many helpful teachers that have taught me how to research. Specifically, the librarians have been a great help in developing my research skills. They have set me up on many databases and helped me have good baseline expectations when I am going into a project. Being in debate has also aided me with being a better researcher. Over these four years in high schools experience is what has helped me become the researcher that I am today.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Global Issue Selection

For my global Issue in Emerging Technology I have chosen gay rights. I have begun researching the issue and you can find my research questions here.
September 10, 2014

Kids these days are always listening to their obnoxious pop music and are on their dumb mobile phones.They never appreciate any of the greatest music of my time: The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Queen, etc. All they care about is that Justin Bieber kid and Miley Cyrus. They don't care about learning either, just their GPA's. It's all about who will get the most prestigious college education and who has the higher test score. They get all worked up about being perfect and not having any mistakes even though those are great learning experiences. I wish they'd just cut it out already!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014
September 9, 2014
Tell me about the global issue you selected. What do you already know about the issue? What are you looking forward to learning about it? Explain.
The topic that I selected was gay rights on a global scale. This is an issue that is very important to me because I have been passionate about politics all through high school, and more specifically learning about how gay rights are handled. I already know a lot about the oppression and severity of the social issue here in the United States, but I hope to learn a lot more about it on other continents and in specific countries. I know currently that gay marriage is only legal in a few states, and that there has been an ongoing struggle to make gay rights be seen as human rights. However, I also know that there have been rallies, growing social reforms, and many support groups for the LGBT community specifically in the United States. What I would like to learn is about the communities in far off countries and how that oppression compares to what we experience here. I want to learn the motivation that lies behind persecution against gay people, and uncover what countries are going to be doing to deal with this in the future. I think this is an issue that is political, religious, and constitutional and I would really like to understand more about how the world is going to adjust and respond to its presence.
The topic that I selected was gay rights on a global scale. This is an issue that is very important to me because I have been passionate about politics all through high school, and more specifically learning about how gay rights are handled. I already know a lot about the oppression and severity of the social issue here in the United States, but I hope to learn a lot more about it on other continents and in specific countries. I know currently that gay marriage is only legal in a few states, and that there has been an ongoing struggle to make gay rights be seen as human rights. However, I also know that there have been rallies, growing social reforms, and many support groups for the LGBT community specifically in the United States. What I would like to learn is about the communities in far off countries and how that oppression compares to what we experience here. I want to learn the motivation that lies behind persecution against gay people, and uncover what countries are going to be doing to deal with this in the future. I think this is an issue that is political, religious, and constitutional and I would really like to understand more about how the world is going to adjust and respond to its presence.
Monday, September 8, 2014
September 8, 2014
What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them.
This weekend I went to Loufest, a music festival in St. Louis. It was AMAZING. I saw so many bands live and hung out with all of my best friends for two days straight. I didn't get home until four in the morning, so that's why I'm pretty exhausted right now. My two favorite bands that I saw play were Cake and the Artic monkeys. They both put on excellent shows and I was really impressed by the music. However, the best stand alone performer that I saw was a guy who calls himself "Trombone shorty." He was out of this world! He played a trombone, sang, and conducted other instruments on stage. Plus my friends and I got to meet him. My friends Derek and Regan were the most excited so they got shirts with his name on them and took pictures with him. All around the weekend was really exciting because I felt very grown up. I stayed in a hotel room with my friend Mallory and the road-trip back was really fun. It was a great experience overall, I even got a shirt! My friends Derek, Mallory, Regan, and Tori made the experience really unforgettable.

image source
This weekend I went to Loufest, a music festival in St. Louis. It was AMAZING. I saw so many bands live and hung out with all of my best friends for two days straight. I didn't get home until four in the morning, so that's why I'm pretty exhausted right now. My two favorite bands that I saw play were Cake and the Artic monkeys. They both put on excellent shows and I was really impressed by the music. However, the best stand alone performer that I saw was a guy who calls himself "Trombone shorty." He was out of this world! He played a trombone, sang, and conducted other instruments on stage. Plus my friends and I got to meet him. My friends Derek and Regan were the most excited so they got shirts with his name on them and took pictures with him. All around the weekend was really exciting because I felt very grown up. I stayed in a hotel room with my friend Mallory and the road-trip back was really fun. It was a great experience overall, I even got a shirt! My friends Derek, Mallory, Regan, and Tori made the experience really unforgettable.

image source
Friday, September 5, 2014
September 5, 2014
Spending a ridiculous amount of time on debate: A
Playing with my dog: A
Being annoyed by my little brother: A
Netflix Watching: A
Eating Junk Food: A
Waking up on time: F
Cleanliness: C
Eating Vegetables: DWednesday, September 3, 2014
September 3, 2014
Yesterday I asked you to "think differently" and push yourself to be uncommon with your PSA project using Google Slides. Why do you think I asked you to do that? What is the point? Why not just use bullets and headers? Explain.
I think the reason that you wanted us to do this was so that we could make a unique statement with our PSA projects. Thinking inside the box was not going to startle anyone or make them take action. In order to best show the point and severity of our specific project we needed to use Google slides uniquely and allow the full impact to be fairly obvious. We aren't just doing these projects for our entertainment. We are doing these projects so that in the future we know how to be both persuasive and informative in all of our tasks and to demonstrate when something is important to us. This project is a good way to learn that and you want us to give our full effort now so that we will do the same in the future.

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