Monday, November 3, 2014

November 3, 2014

How was your weekend?

My weekend was really fun. Halloween has always been in my top three favorite holidays along with Christmas Eve, and thanksgiving. For Halloween I went dressed up as spider-girl; I had a spiderweb bow, a spider-man shirt, and a tutu that i made by myself. I learned to make the tutu from a tutorial on YouTube. On the night of Halloween I went to a football game at Liberty North that was costume themed and then I spent time at Derek's aunt's house! The next day I saw two movies: Nightcrawler and St. Vincent. Nightcrawler was really suspenseful and good, while St. Vincent was Hilarious and heartfelt. On Sunday I spent time with my best friend just watching movies and talking. All in all, I had a pretty great weekend.

St__Vincent movie poster

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