I think that this newspaper article has some truth to it, but this truth is presented in an extremely harsh manner. It is essentially telling people who are not yet adults to grow up and stop being dreamers. I think that the harshness of the article takes away from the message. The article itself made me feel a bit offended at first. With that being said, there is some truth to this article still. Teenagers do need to be actively contributing to their society, and when they have nothing better to do they should be doing positive things for other. However, I definitely disagree with the notion that we need to "get out of our dream world and develop a backbone not a wishbone." I feel like this is telling teenagers to not have hopes whatsoever. This is a bad idea. I know, personally, that hoping/dreaming is what gets me through hard times. Knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel is what keeps me, and many others, moving along.

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