Reflect on this quote. Give an example of a time in your life that this might have been the case.

I think that this quote is extremely true, especially since I am a high schooler who procrastinates literally all the time. I think that when you fail to prepare and then ultimately fail, you honestly have no one to blame but yourself. Whether it is in school, work, or your home life, this quote reminds you that you have responsibility place in your hands and you need to meet the requirements of your daily life. My mind is drawn to a specific example in my life when I read this quote. I remember back in seventh grade after reading the novel, "The Giver", which I mentioned in a previous blog post, we were assigned a project: Creating our own Utopian Society. We had to actually write a story and then construct the model as well, but the story was the larger part of our grade. I had a ton of ideas for my model: Egg shells for the domes, technology plastered all around, and my dad was even going to help me add Christmas lights to the side to make it look more advanced. However, the ideas in the story department were definitely lacking. Needless to say, the night before the project was due I was eyeing my perfectly constructed Utopian society when it dawned on me that I had done literally nothing in terms of the paper due first hour the next day. I had not written a single draft. Nothing. I panicked of course, put together an extremely sloppy paper, and the next morning turned it in with bags under my eyes from sleep deprivation. Unfortunately, my lack of sleep wasn't worth it. Due to not preparing I turned in a paper that was less than satisfactory, got a B- on the project overall. It may not seem a big deal, but that model was A quality, but my lack of preparation set me back.